Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Character Bio: Tom Haverford

Characters play a big part in Film. A good character can even be considered one of the most vital parts of filmmaking. Having a complex character isn't easy though and it may take some time to get the concept for a perfect character. In order to help pinpoint what makes a good character interesting and unique we are going to analyze an existing one. Tom Haverford is a character in the television series Parks and Recreation and is a perfect example of a unique character. We will focus on his character traits as well as a unique scene that reflects his character.
Not only is Tom characterized through his actions and emotions, but he is characterized through his clothing too. Matching a character to a specific wardrobe isn't always easy, but Tom Haverford sure looks like he knows what he's doing. Whether is a new suit from Brooks Brothers or a scarf from France, Tom is always on the top of his style game.

Although he works in the Parks Department, Tom Haverford is still a hip young man. He constantly introduces new lingo and slang throughout the office and makes sure his vocabulary is cooler than cool. Chances are, if you've heard a new term, Tom already knows it
Tom is a business man by all means. He's had several sales ideas and wants nothing more than to make it as a successful businessman. Whether its a new cologne, called Tommy Fresh, or and bustling Entertainment Conglomerate, Tom always dreams big

Tom's business dreams take over when he quits working for the Parks Department in order to open up Entertainment 720, an entertainment conglomerate with no actual purpose. Tom and his buddy, JeanRalphio launch Entertainment 720 with the dreams of becoming rich. Tom and his friend, however, drive the company to the ground due to their obscene spending. Tom believes you have to spend money to gain money but he goes a little overboard when he and JeanRalphio waste all the money on useless things such as hiring hot model interns and installing a wall of shrimp. After the company goes bankrupt he moves back to the Parks Department, but hes still got an eye on business.

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